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Singles Partnersuche Zürich Region Singleprofil: feste Beziehung Affäre(Erotik Sex) Freundschaft Tanzpartner Reisepartner, Ich Mann suche Frau, READY

Singleprofil #17671 "carter"

editiert am: 2021-03-16 | zuletzt eingeloggt: 2021-03-16, um: 06:11 | gelesen: 484x



I am a warm, caring and God loving person that wants to be in love again and be loved in return. I want to have the companionship of a Godly woman, have the security of knowing that she will be there for me. Big strong hugs, long slow kisses. I am open and honest, won`t pout and say "nothing" when you ask me what is wrong when I am in a quiet mood. I sincerely love women and their "girls" world. I won`t try to change you to suit me. I will accept children, all ages and won`t interfere with your relationship with them.I have been through some hard times but am all the stronger for it. I own a nice home (well, the bank does) I have been working for the past 16 years and make a very good living.Those who have been around me think that I am funny.
morgenmitdir.net -  Partnerbörse
Teste unsere neue Partnerbörse "Morgen Mit Dir..."
Heimat Zürich Region, Schweiz
  Ich Mann suche Frau
 feste Beziehung  Affäre(Erotik Sex)  Freundschaft  Tanzpartner  Reisepartner
 175 cm
Mein Wunschpartner
 My perception of an ideal relationship: all i really want is someone who can give out so much love to that special man in her life, should be intelligent, honest and responsible. someone who is positive and believes that every day holds something amazing, should have the ability to share her heart and her mind... she needs not to be perfect cos no one is perfect until you fall in love with them.. so to the wondering soul, who has so much love to give... i welcome you as you give me the honor to embrace your darkness and your light while you feel free to touch me from within and complete you with just a whisper.
So attraktiv wie ich sollte auch mein Partner sein
Auf einer Skala von 1(wenig attraktiv) bis 9(sehr attraktiv) wie attraktiv sollte er sein?
 5 durchschnittlich
 1 Kind
Meine Ausbildung
Mein Sporttyp
von 1(kein Sport) bis 9(supersportlich)
ich betreibe folgende Sportarten
 Golfing: I took up golf about 8 years ago when I bought a time-share on the golf course at Breezy Point, Rome, and figured I better take full advantage of the amenities! I`m not very good - in fact I`m a laughingly pathetic golfer - but the first person to teach me about the game also taught me to enjoy getting out on the course and just having fun! Although I respect the game, and will always strive to improve, I don`t take myself too seriously when I golf.
Dein Sextyp
Punkto Sex: was trifft am ehesten auf mich zu?
 aufgeschlossen - je nach Partner
Mein Auto
 habe mehr als 1 Auto
Meine Hobbies
Mein Wohnstil
 gemütlich mit meist guter Ordnung
 bin Nichtraucher
 Alkohol trinke ich gelegentlich
Mein Erscheinungsbild
im Alltag
 meist ziemlich modisch
Ich bin Vegetarier
Was würde ich mit meinem Partner am Abend am liebsten tun? (Sex steht nicht zur Auswahl)
 keine Angabe
 am liebsten zu zweit mit guten Freunden
 keine Angabe



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